After a certain amount of priming, you can see that the numbers of session affinity ( indicated in the Aff column) are pretty even across the two available servant regions. 在传入一定量的请求之后,您可以看到两个可用服务区域之间的会话关联数量(Aff列)相当均匀。
Expectancy and priming can lower the effect of self-control depletion to some extent, and exercises can higher the strength of self-control effectively. 通过预期、启动等途径能在一定程度上降低自制力消耗的效应,通过锻炼能够有效地提升自制力的强度。
The pump priming of the economy using bank loans and infrastructure investment is seen in Beijing as a necessary step to cushion the sharp slowdown, but in private officials say it is unlikely the government can maintain such elevated bank lending throughout the year. 借助银行贷款和基建投资对经济大举注资,被北京方面视为缓冲大幅减速的必要步骤,但官员们在私下表示,政府不太可能在今年全年保持如此高水平的银行放贷。
The role of long-term semantic memory in the subliminal semantic priming was explored by testing whether non-practiced targets can be primed by different word frequency prime stimuli. 本文通过检测启动刺激的词频对阈下启动效应的影响,探讨了长时语义记忆在阈下语义启动中的作用。
The results suggested: ( 1) Category priming can automatically activate the relevant content of stereotype, which illustrates to a certain extent stereotype may be a necessary consequence or outcome from the category process. 实验结果表明:⑴范畴启动可以自动激活有关的刻板印象内容,说明在很大程度上刻板印象是归类过程的一种必然结果与产物;
Second and more important, through agenda-setting, priming, and framing, the media can form the public opinion, so it can further influent the government decision process and supervise the government. 更重要的是,媒体通过议程设置、框架设置、铺垫效果形成公众舆论,从而对政府决策过程施加影响,对政府起到了监督的作用。
PEG Priming can not only enhance the uniformity and potential of the AsParagus SeedsP germination, make the seedlings more strong, but also raise the vigor index. 聚乙二醇(PEG)引发能提高芦笋种子萌发的整齐度和发芽势,幼苗更为健壮,活力指数提高。
CONCLUSION Either administration of BCG+ LPS or suitable dose LPS alone can cause immunologic liver damage, BCG priming can enhance endotoxin-induced hepatotoxicity; 结论LPS、BCG+LPS均能引起典型的免疫性肝损伤,经BCG预处理,能增强内毒素刺激诱导的肝脏毒性。
Conclusion Affective priming effects decay rapidly, and they can be observed best for SOA shorter than 300ms, and confirmed the automatic process nature of affective priming effect. 结论本研究提示SOA为300ms时情绪启动效应已经衰减,并进一步验证了情绪启动效应的自动加工本质。
Grey Priming Coating Can Raise the Rate of Finished Painted Parts of Motorcycle 摩托车油漆件采用灰底漆提高成品率
This framework is the adaptation of Hoey's ( 2004) lexical priming and Sinclair's ( 2004) lexical model, which can illustrate the semantic prosody in a descriptive way. 本文分析的理论框架是由Hoey(2004)的词项启动和Sinclair(2004)的词项模型引申而来。该理论框架可以描述语义韵的产生过程。
Concerning about grain yield, waterlogging priming and exogenous ethephon on leaf can effectively alleviate damage to wheat production caused by post-anthesis waterlogging stress, and they can be used as methods to increase tolerance to waterlogging in wheat production. 对于产量的影响,花前渍水锻炼及叶面喷施乙烯利能够有效缓解花后渍水逆境造成的小麦减产,可以作为生产实践中的抗渍方法。
Priming technology can increase seed vigor, germination capacity and resistance ability to stress after germination. 引发技术可以提高种子活力及萌发后幼苗抵抗逆境的能力,因此,可以通过使用化学试剂对不结球白菜种子进行引发处理。
Seed priming can be a chemical-control method of increasing temperature adversity patience of rice. 种子引发可能是一种增强水稻温度逆境耐性的化学调控方法。
The association of perceptual priming and conceptual priming can facilitation the face recognition process. 知觉和概念驱动的联合异化了面孔识别的过程。